Tax Implications on Family Breakdown, Second Edition
Co-written by leading tax expert, Sofia Thomas, and family lawyer, James Pirrie, this book provides answers to the common problems encountered in financial remedy cases in a way that assists professionals from each discipline.
The Second Edition covers a number of significant developments including:
– Up-to-date allowances and bands
– Changes to the rules regarding capital gains tax for divorcing couples
– Updated Stamp Duty Land Tax for couples
– Changes to corporation tax and its impact on how couples structure their finances
– Cryptoassets
– The tightening of the rules, heightened judicial expectations of the selection process and the ways in which experts deliver their assistance to the court
– All precedents are available as electronic downloads
Purchase the book
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Sofia can sit in on mediations to assist with any tax queries which may arise during the day. Depending on the length and complexities of the discussions Sofia can either attend a full day or part of the day. For those clients with simpler tax issues, Sofia can also attend via conference call.
During the mediation Sofia will be able to advise on potential tax implications to provide accurate and up to date figures for a range of taxes. In our experience this has proved extremely valuable as it has enabled the negotiations to continue with consideration of the tax implications. These sessions are not appropriate for in-detail complex tax planning but they are incredibly useful for individuals who are considering several options on the day.
As part of mediation services, Sofia will provide a complete follow-up report detailing all of the tax advice given during the meeting. These are completed usually within 3 working days of the mediation.
Our engagement letters can stipulate that our clients’ solicitors and barristers can rely on our advice given.
Yes, alongside attending your office for client meetings, training and talks, Sofia also runs all day tax surgeries in-house. Tax surgeries are proving increasingly popular with our firms. They run as follows, Sofia will attend your offices from 8am – 6pm, all staff members can book a time with Sofia to discuss cases, areas they find difficult or even personal tax queries. During lunch Sofia will run a lunch and learn on all the current hot tax topics for Family lawyers.
After the day Sofia will follow up on all appointments with a 1-2 page report on what was discussed or advised. These all day tax surgeries cost £2,500 + VAT (and travel costs if outside London).
If you would like to book a tax surgery or a lunch and learn session for your offices please contact family@junotax.co.uk
Yes, though we are a London based firm, we cover Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands.
Yes, we are able to appoint ourselves as the authorised agent for the client meaning we can speak with HMRC about the clients’ specific tax affairs. Once registered as their agent all post sent to the client will also be duplicated and sent to us.
Please send an email to family@junotax.co.uk outlining the assets of the case and scenarios that you would like us to opine on. We will use this information to prepare a quote, confirm our turnaround times and will provide a copy of Sofia’s CV. We aim to provide quotes within 48 hours of receiving your email.
Yes, at Juno Family we are fully insured and with each client engagement we highlight the relevant liability cap for the engagement. We are also regulated by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.