The Financial Remedies Journal

News » March 11, 2022

Our Director, Sofia Thomas, is delighted to share that she has been appointed a Member of the Editorial Board of the new publication, Financial Remedies Journal (Class Legal).

The Financial Remedies Journal is a brand new termly law journal, published by Class Legal and written and edited by an exceptional Editorial Board. HHJ Edward Hess acts as Chair of the Editorial Board and Rhys Taylor acts both as Vice-Chair of the Editorial Board and Journal Editor.

The mission of the journal is to promote serious and high-level debate and thought about the workings of the world of financial remedies, both substantively and procedurally, inside and outside of court.

The first printed edition of the Journal is free for all who sign up to the mailing list. SIGN UP HERE.*
*Please sign up before 15th March 2022 to receive the Journal on the week of release.

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