Sofia Thomas on BBC News

News » October 29, 2019

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BBC News reveals the concern of National Audit Office which finds that apprenticeship number in the UK has fallen down remarkably in recent time and the Government is going to miss the target of creating 3 million new apprenticeship starts.

Sofia Thomas, an independent tax advisor in the UK, was interviewed by BBC News on her apprenticeship and whether it is a good way to kick start a career.

In her interview with BBC News, Sofia was asked about her apprenticeship at PwC and starting her own Tax Consultancy Firm.

Sofia was asked whether it was comfortable or hard for her to take apprenticeship in the PwC. She says, she was thinking about the best option for her to start a career after she had left her university. Then she decided to take apprenticeship in tax as it seemed easy and best for her. She also replied that the environment in the PwC was fun, exciting and supportive though the job was hard as well. It was helpful for personal development and to gain experience from the experts who are role models. Sofia further added that she finished her apprenticeship, became a qualified chartered tax advisor, worked for a bank later and then established her own consultancy firm. She also added that the apprenticeship as a humble job would help in financial and tax issues effectively.

To watch the interview, click here.

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